Samantha Terzis CI/CT
Are interpreters supposed to be certified to work in the schools?
Presently, the state of Tennessee does not require certification for interpreters. Interpreters working in elementary - high school settings will be required to pass the EIPA with a 3.5 in the future unless already nationally certified under RID/NAD. This new law is still in process and has yet to be implemented across the state.
Adult programs do not require any form of certification at this time.
You can find out more about the EIPA at
How do we obtain an interpreter?
Contact our office! We will walk you through the process. You can hire an interpreter for 2 hours or an entire school year, just provide our office with the specific information and we will do our best to secure an interpreter from our staff.
What is unique about Gate interpreters?
We do our best to meet your personal needs. Most agencies work to provide a warm body. We work to provide an interpreter which meets your standards and your needs. We try to personalize services whenever possible so you walk away with the best experience you can have.
Are collegiate interpreters required to be certified?
Presently, no. Eventually RID or state certification will be required.
Do you provide additional training for staff or interpreters?
We do provide Professional Development for teachers and interpreters! We additionally provide evaluation of interpreters for school districts. For more information on our PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CLICK HERE! Do you have any questions or specific educational needs, contact us and we can make sure your ideas for education can happen!
Is my school required to provide an interpreter for our Deaf students?
Yes. Under age students are covered by PL 94-142, IDEA, and the ADA. These laws protect students from being denied interpreting services for their education. Adult students are covered by the ADA. The cost of interpreting services for adult students is often covered by Vocational Rehab. For more information, contact our office.
Contact our office at
Need more than interpreting services?
Gate provides education for interpreters in the form of workshops and inservices as well as interpreter evaluations.