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A few extra lessons...

We cover a lot of topics in addition to interpreting skills practice. Make-up, hair, lighting, it's all included. Here are a few additional lessons which seamlessly tack on to what we learn at BSL II. Becoming a great performance interpreter includes far more than glossing! So before you arrive, WATCH & LEARN!



It's been a while since you attended the BSL I workshop, so this basic refresher will rev up your brain and get you ready for some serious practice and evaluation.



Many individuals come to our workshops with songs they would like to perform for the group. This is the perfect place to make that happen. This class allows time for individuals (who are prescheduled to perform) to show us a perfected song and then have the group as a whole evaluate the performance. Song after song, interpreters get to see how other people put together performances and even help them improve upon what they have already accomplished. During this session we will fulfill a long standing request from our workshops... "I want to see more." Samantha will also take the time to perform songs and discuss with the crowd why she made the decisions she made within the performance.



We have reviewed the material and seen examples of what can be done, now it's time to do it! This session has the crowd back up and practicing individual skills continuing to perfect on building the specific characterizations needed to fully exemplify the performances we represent as interpreters.



We are interpreters, and we are wired to to want to gloss... translate... Translate... TRANSLATE!!! It's an obsession. Well this class strokes that innate need within, and allows us to take the concepts of the BSL I workshop using global, directional, and pictorial images and as a group develop beautiful glosses that open eyes and touch hearts.



This is in essence one bit fat breakout session. Students are divided into groups which will tackle songs of different genres. Each group with work on a particular song from start to finish, beginning with the gloss, and ending with a refined performance. This class helps bring the concepts together allowing students to really take home the experience of preparing for a Performance Interpreting gig.



We wrap up the workshop with a full evaluation of each of the prepared songs. We have a little concert; we laugh and scream and cheer each other on as individuals groups perform their songs to the crowd. At the end the groups receive a basic evaluation of their songs which helps them to grow in their learning.

GATE COMMUNICATIONS is  a member of PCRID. PCRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. These Professional Studies programs are offered for the CEU’s listed at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level

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