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Samantha Terzis CI/CT

Gate Communications is excited to present the 5th workshop in the BRINGING THE STAGE TO LIFE TOUR. The BSL Tour sought to do something completely unique within the Interpreting world. Based on Performance Interpreting Theories used across the U.S. Gate created a collaborative system to teach all theories and emphasize the most respected theory among Deaf Consumers. Gate has built this information into a fun and exciting workshop called the Bringing the Stage to Life Workshop. After its initial inception in 2009, Gate modified the materials and re-birthed the information in a longer format called the BSL Extended Tour. Now interpreters can learn Performance Interpreting and earn up to 1.175 PS CEUs in a single fun filled weekend or even as much as 3.5 CEUs at our week long intensive training. This workshop tour is not like any workshop interpreters have attended as attendees gather notes in an awesome workbook, win door prizes throughout, play dress up, line dance, laugh contagiously, and of course practice all the Signing techniques a Performance Interpreter needs to make their interpretation great.
The BSL Tour covers interpreting on the concert stage, theatrical interpreting, and now with this third topic, WORSHIP INTERPRETING. This particular workshop targets Bible based churches, but additional traditions and faiths can be discussed upon request. We have heard Deaf individuals across America state they have no desire to attend religious services because they don't have equal access to worship. They see passion from the stage, and lifelessness from their interpreters and that discrepancy keeps them out of worship services. We believe the Deaf should have equal access in all environments including religious environments, and Deaf individuals should experience every ounce of passion and connection with God that a Hearing person experiences. This workshop helps interpreters learn to do just that.
Join us for this crazy, hilarious and intensive workshop about Worship Interpreting. This isn't just for religious people! Interpreters for weddings, funerals, performances, and platform environments will find the information critical as well. Even VRS interpreters will benefit. Don't waste a minute! Sign up today!

2 DAY (12.75 Hours – 1.175 PS CEUs):
FRIDAY 6:15 PM – 9:30 PM
SATURDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
- Working with church leadership
- Managing RID ethics vs. religious ethics & perspectives
- Worship attire
- Interpreter positioning
- Technical aspects of interpreting worship
- Performance theories & analysis
- Teaming
- Performance practice
- Glossing in Worship
1 DAY (9.5 Hours – .85 PS CEUs):
SATURDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
- Working with church leadership
- Managing RID ethics vs. religious ethics & perspectives
- Worship attire
- Interpreter positioning
- Technical aspects of interpreting worship
- Performance theories & analysis
- Teaming
- Performance practice
- Glossing in Worship
(3.25 Hours - .325 PS CEUs):
6:15 PM – 9:30 PM
For our mini-workshops, you can pick 2 topics from the above list and we will formulate a personalized workshop for you.
Up to 1.175 PS CEUs

I am tired of boring workshops, is it FUN?
There is a possibility we laugh harder at this workshop than almost any of our workshops. This IS FUN!
Will I actually learn something?
YES! If fact by the end you will hope we stop teaching you more! Most interpreters tell us that they are happy if they leave a workshop learning one new concept. The goal: Just to take "something" away. Our workshops seek to cram your brain with new ideas, new philosophies, new skills, and challenge you to think outside the box. You will learn!
Do you hand out notes?
Nope, we hand out huge workbooks! We have packed the Worship booklet with around 50 pages of information! We work very hard to get a LOT of information in before you walk out the door.
Who teaches the workshop?
Visit our PRESENTER page to find out more.
Is this an active workshop or one where participants sit most of the time?
ACTIVE! About 2/3 is laughter filled lecture teaching you everything you need to know about Performance Interpreting. It will fly by! Participants are on their feet and practicing for about 1/3 of the workshop, which totals between 2 1/2 - 4 1/2 hours depending on the length of the workshop and the inquisitiveness of the group. Practice is comfortable as it is done in group settings. No one is staring at other people making comparisons so don't worry! You will be too busy to worry about your skills compared to anothers.
Do participants get feedback?
YES! An enormous amount of feedback. If you do NOT want feedback this isn't the workshop for you. Peers will evaluate each other, local Deaf volunteers will often be available for evaluation (the host will provide those individuals) and the presenter will give as much feedback as possible to individuals. This workshop will push you and challenge you! All feedback is warm and fuzzy, but it is honest as well. We don't want to coddle you and keep you from growing, but we are a fan of a loving and safe environment so we want to shower you with smiles and hugs as well.
Religious terminology is really challenging. Do you cover religious terminology in the workshop?
YES!! We have pages of religious terms in the workshop. You brain will be full of new terminology before you leave. However we don't just offer basic terms, we offer creative glossing strategies for religion as well.
What religions do you cover?
The concepts and perspectives have been taken from the Christian/Catholic church. We will tackle other religions briefly if requested.
I am not religious, would I benefit from this?
YES! Interpreters have to interpret religious ceremonies where these concepts will be used. Outside of churches, weddings, funerals, school ceremonies etc will use these concepts.