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The Bringing the Stage to Life Performance Interpreting Series

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The Bringing the Stage to Life Performance Interpreting Workshop Series was founded in 2009. Collectively this workshop has been held over 60 times in 23 states, and has traveled coast to coast and border to border through the lower 48. The Bringing the Stage to Life Workshop Series has become the premier Performance Interpreting workshop in the U.S. and has even started to make an impact on other countries. 


The Bringing the Stage to Life Workshop series is presently a four part series of workshops. Our musical/musical theatre section starts with Bringing the Stage to Life - EXTENDED, moves to BSL II, then concludes with BSL NASHVILLE our weeklong intensive training workshop held right here in Nashville, TN. Love theatre? Have no fear! We have begun to develop a new series solely for the theatre, and the first workshop Bringing the Stage to Life: THEATRE is already on tour. Wait! There is one more! Bringing WORSHIP to life is one of the most powerful workshops we have taught, this one featuring interpreting music in the church. 


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